Let's start with your project plan

Welcome to Cyberbrush Logo Design Service

What style of logo do you seek?

What do you do?

Just some information for design preview/mockups

Let's get to know you

  • Logo design plan
  • Knowing your brands
  • Logo Style
  • Your business.
  • About you.

What can we offer you?

Project Plans

Make your logo count among these awesome ones.

Source: https://www.quora.com/What-types-of-logos-are-suitable-for-a-sports-brand

Logo Style

Logo Style

Where will your logo be used (Only Web, web and print, Stationery, signage, billboards)?

List other places where your logo will be used if applicable

Brand, Logo and Values

Do you have company colours or specific colours and shapes you would like to maintain? [Give Hex codes #xxxxxx or RGB codes if known]

Any font styles or colours you absolutely do not want or like?

What characteristics should the logo have or evoke?

Abstract (0%) - Literal (100 %)

Youthful (0%) - Mature (100 %)

Playful (0%) - Sophisticated (100 %)

Economical (0%) - Luxurious (100 %)

Business Details

Company Name

Company Sector

Company Email

Company Phone Number


Business background information

Why does your company need this project?

Who are your competitors?

About you.

First name

Last name


Contact Email

Contact: info@cyberbrush.store